1 year later

I found a lump in my breast while breast feeding my son. Thinking it was a clogged duct, I delayed seeing my doctor for a bit. After further delays for this and that, and almost not getting a biopsy because the techs didn't think it looked cancerous, I finally was told that I had breast cancer on New Years Eve 2007. I had a mastectomy in February followed by chemo and radiation, ending in mid-October 2008.

I took part in an exercise study during chemo. Doing aerobic exercise 3x/wk, chatting with others at the same stage as myself who were part of the study, plus the support of my moms' group who took turns watching my two kids, and family who flew across the country to be with me on chemo days and through radiation, really helped me get through the summer.

I'm so grateful for the support I've received, and try to give back whenever I can. (and I finally have hair again!)

Ottawa, Canada