3x Breast Cancer Survivor

Hello my name is Dedrach Matthews and I'm a three (3) time bi-lateral breast cancer survivor. 1998, at the age of 28, I found a lump in my right breast and I had a biopsy performed, which confirmed that he lump was cancerous. At which time I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. I had to undergo surgery and chose to have a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy. I had six months of aggressive chemotherapy and 12 weeks of radiation therapy.

Six years later (February) 2004, I found another lump but this time it was in my left breast, which resulted in another biopsy and again a lumpectomy. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Six months later (August) 2004, I couldn’t move the left side of my body. I thought that I was having a stroke. Fortunately, I wasn't having a stroke. My Oncologist ordered a PET scan STAT and the results were devastating. The cancer had returned and spread to my lymph nodes and into my chest wall.

Unfortunately, this time surgery could not be performed. This time I was diagnosed with stage 4 aggressive breast cancer. My doctors and surgeons stated that there wasn’t much more that they can do for me this time. Then they decided that they will try a new aggressive chemo. I agreed and had six months of chemotherapy and 12 weeks of radiation therapy. I’m proud to say that this year 2015, I am 17 (right breast) and 11 (left breast) years BREAST CANCER FREE. I give God ALL the glory.

Dedrach Matthews
Baton Rouge, LA