A cancer our of the blue

I am 67 years old, dynamic, healthy, work a lot with abandoned animals and always on the go; This May was my annual "check-up" for everything, the last check up at 4pm for mammo and exchography. I go yearly and have no cancer in my family. They did the mammo and I heard the radiotherapy guy say to me Sue come back in there is something not right we will re do. So we did and the echo and he said something is wrong. I just looked at him and said its not a cyst is it - he said no its a tumour. Had no lump whatsoever before. I imediately said when can we do the biopsy and in conjunction with my Gyno surgeon it was planned for the following week. The worst of this was the waiting for the results - I am impatient!! Anyway it came back positive I did have a cancerous tumour they operated the following week removing the tumour and one gland. I had a pet scan and no lymph nodes were touched Before surgery a "harpon" put in by the radiologue where the surgeon was to operate. 5 days I stayed in hospital and the good news is no chemio, but I start radiiotherapy this Thursday coming for 6 and a half weeks daily. Then hormonetherapy treatment for 5 years. I have to say I have amways been positive but was horrified at the number of friends I have that haven't done a mammo in over 5 years - including the nurse who came to do my dressings. I can only think if I hadn't had this done and waited 5 years I wouldn't be around. Courage everyobne

sue krein
Paris, France