A Caring Woman

My story is about my mother in law. She was the most loving woman I have ever met. She always had a smile, she would have done anything for anybody. She was a loving mother of two children, a boy and girl and also a wonderful grand-mother of three grand children. One day about six years ago, she was not feeling well. She was the one that was taking care of our twin daughters for us. I asked her if it was the flu, she said she thought so, and that she would go see the doctor after supper. When I got back home she didn't look so good. She went to the clinic and they said that she had bordeau, from stress. So we gave her the rest of the week off. The next week she said she was feeling better but just looking at her I knew she wasn't. The next day we had a call that the ambulance came and took her to the hospital, she was weak and vomiting. She spent two days at the hospital they told her it wasn't bordeau she had, it was breast cancer. Also she had two tumors in her head. The news was devastating but she said, "Don't worry about me, I will beat this." About two months after she died. I miss her so much. My twin girls still ask for her, it breaks me and my wife's hearts. Please keep up the good work of searching for a cure and don't give up hope.

Grande-Digue, Canada