Be informed, not afraid

2 years ago, I found a lump in my right breast (a.k.a. "Ashley" - the other is "Mary Kate" ha ha) and immediately went to the doc. After a couple of biopsies, cancer cells were found, so I underwent a lumpectomy, radiation, and lite chemo (a.k.a. "the Fisher Price" chemo!).

At the risk of preaching, please read this:

Do self exams. It's not a big deal, just get to know what "normal" is, so you can recognize abnormal.

Years ago, a gynecologist handed me a breast model with a lump in it, so I could feel the difference. That made me go to the doc, since my lump also felt like a "frozen pea." But if you feel ANYTHING that feels even just a little unusual, go, go, GO to the doc. You can save your own life. Really.

Luckily, I had a very slow-growing and rare form, early stage 1, with no signs of it returning.

Please tell everyone you love (including yourself!) to do self-exams. This link shows you how:



East Haven, CT