BTHO Cancer!

BTHO Cancer has become our entire family's battle cry. Our 3 children and niece all graduated from Texas A&M. The Aggies are always BTHO whoever they are playing. When I found out I had breast cancer my niece rallied us with, "It is time for us to BTHO Cancer!" My family has supported me in this battle. I had just retired after a 37 year career as an educator. Finding out I had breast cancer did not fit into my retirement plans!

Lesson #1 - Get your annual mammogram. I had dense breast tissue and was frequently called back for more screening. I went in with no worries; I had done it all before. However, this time it was different. The radiologist ordered more diagnostic views and an ultrasound. He found cancer in my right breast.

I went to a breast surgeon who biopsied the right side and confirmed invasive lobular carcinoma. Through many hours discussing my options with my doctor, my supportive husband, our adult children and experienced survivors, I made the decision to have a mastectomy. However, one thing kept coming back up, and my gut would not let it go. I felt that I needed a double mastectomy because the tissue in the left breast also had very dense fibrocystic disease. I was so grateful that I asked for a second opinion. Two more suspicious masses were found in my left breast tissue. One had grown to 11 centimeters. The second opinion surgeon did a bilateral mastectomy on November 11, 2014. It became known as "New TaTas" Tuesday. The pathology report after the surgery confirmed cell changes already occurring on the left side. My cancer was stage 2. Lesson #2 - Be your own advocate, and pay attention to what your gut is telling you.

My oncologist decided that I did not need any chemo or radiation. I am cancer free! However, I will need to take the hormone blocking medication by mouth for 5 years.

Lesson #3 - We are rich in Faith, Family & Friends as we BTHO Cancer!

Kathy Carruth
Fort Worth, TX