But I Have a Dissertation to Write

Even under the best of circumstances 2013 was going to be a challenging year. I was working full time and working on my dissertation, but I never dreamed that I would be educator, student, and patient. During my annual wellness exam in February, I asked my doctor to take a look at my breast, I felt a lump and my nipple had inverted. She immediately had me set up an appointment for a mammogram. The little voice in my head started whimpering when they wanted to do an ultrasound, but it didn't start screaming until the radiologist wanted to see me. He was very forward as he pointed out a mass in my left breast and said the word malignant. I had a lump that needed to be biopsied as soon as possible.

That seems so long ago now, and yet it has also been a whirlwind. Life now is broken into BBC and ABC. No, not British Broadcasting and American Broadcasting, but Before Breast Cancer and After Breast Cancer. Or maybe it should be BF and AF, Before Foobs and After Foobs. Survival is more than just putting one foot in front of the other, it's laughing when you trip over your own feet. Laughter and friendship make even the worst days possible to deal with. It is said you never know how strong you are until you are tested, and 2013 had been more of a test than I ever wanted. I somehow managed to write my dissertation and even a couple of papers for publication while going through chemo. I completed my doctorate after my bilateral mastectomy and graduated in April 2014. Being able to fly to Gainesville to walk that stage surround by friends, family, and mentors, that was the first step on my next journey.

Johanna Kenney
Austin, TX