CAR DOOR saves me.

Its May. Buying flower trays to plant a beautiful spring garden. New Growth, ample sun, seeds sprouting. Sounds like a great new beginning starting. Yes, that's how I always look at it.

Messy garage as I fumble with taking out flower trays in my little space. In doing so I knock myself hard into the door. Ouch...Kept going and got it all out. Enough work today. I will shower. My right breast really took the brunt of the corner of the door and I access the damage noticing some pain, bruising, but a hardened area. Wow that was a hard hit. It's so like me to injure myself but keep going. I know the gum ball size ball is there but keep it in the back of my mind. It will heal.

June comes along and time for my GYN appointment. We go through everything and she says, "ALL OK" . Wait.. there was that lump. She feels it and immediately makes an appt for an ultrasound. They immediately make an appointment for a biopsy. Wow. But it was the car door. Dr does the fine needle aspiration and talks about if it's dried blood from the injury he will easily be able to tell. He does his procedure and I am telling him how I am going to Ireland at the end of July. He says 3 days for results. Why is that necessary with dried blood.

3 days later I am attending a dinner party when he calls. Wants me at his office right away? Can't it wait? No, I want you to come in now. Its cancer.

The rest? Determination, positive thinking, great team = key. Went on my trip to Ireland and 15 yrs later planning another. Without that car door? Who knows?

betlehem, PA