Finding Humor during Chemotherapy

As a stage 3 invasive breast cancer patent-who lost her hair, and most of her memory during chemo-I am able to remember the odd behavior of stranger in a public restroom. As many will tell, chemo dictates frequent bathroom breaks. So after a 2 hour boat trip stopped in a local restroom, and happened to look at what was supposed to be a perfectly situated bandana. I looked in the mirror, and noticed quite the mess, and made the following statement to a friend 'it looks like a band of pirates got me while on the boat ride'-as the knot was above my eye, and it was haphazardly tucked in and I started laughing hysterically. The woman at the next sink-looked over with a look of horror, and ran out of the restroom as if she would be attacked. Often wondered if she only knew. My friend and I laughed about this for quite a while, and it still brings a smile to my face. But I remember how important having my specially made bandanas were for me, and I now make Naked Noggin Covers for the local cancer center--I love seen the smiles on the faces if I get the honor of giving them one..

Rochester, NH