"He's watching me!"

I love gospel music with The Gaithers' "He's Watching Me" being a favorite. We are told all our lives that God is watching us and taking care of us
My back was really hurting! PCP gave me an order for back x-ray along with address where he wanted me to go. I called to say I would be there next morning for x-ray. asked if I could get mammogram at same time. I was told would have to go to another location for mammogram. I told her would just get back x-ray. Next day I drove up and down street where I was supposed to go but could not find the x-ray facility, even had the receptionist on the phone trying to guide me! As I turned around for fourth time spotted STRIC and decided to go there for x-ray.
As I was filling out paperwork heard lady say she was there for her mammogram. I asked if they could also do my mammogram and was told yes. Lady doing mammogram said I was not on her schedule and I explained what happened. She did the one side and as she was doing the other side she said I was in the right place as she saw something she did not like, Called my doctor for order to do ultrasound, while I was looking at all the crosses up the center of her torture tower! I knew in my heart then that I had breast cancer. Ultrasound confirmed "highly suspicious" area and was advised to have biopsy ASAP!
Called surgeon's, office, was able to get in two days later, biopsy done, malignant. Mastectomy done on 11/24/10.
Others were upset cause I wasn't worried but because I found out the way I did, I knew I would be just fine and I have been.
I later found out that the place I was supposed to go was where I park every time I go to my hand doctor. I may have been driving but God was the navigator that day.
GO is good, all the time!

Dian Kelly
san antonio, TX