hope to help someone

I write this is the hope that someone sees it and thinks-well is she got through it than so can I. It all began 7 years ago when my teenage daughter passed away suddenly. We buried my father in law and my daughters father within the next 6 months. I also had back and neck surgery over the next 2 yrs. Then I found the lump..not a what can this be lump but a LUMP . I knew what it was at that moment. And I was right. I underwent surgery a month later. Took out the lump and a few lymph nodes and did cosmetic surgery on the other breast. That was the easy part. The first round of chemo caused me to have a severe allergic reaction to one of the drugs. My doc was great-must of called him several times that first night. The next 6 months was a routine of work and chemo. I didnt have a ton of help at home so I just took it day by day. I drove myself to treatments and spent hours in my room by myself. I made sure my son was set for the five days every three weeks i was down for the count. I finished up with radiation.
So how did i do it? One moment at a time, one step at a time. I thought of all those other women that I had gone through this and thought if they can do it so can I . I just kept it simple. Dont think too far ahead. And here I sit , it will be 4 yrs next month. And if i could still stand after this mess I call my life than others can too!

Leslie Hutton
Mohegan Lake, NY