I am a survivor!

I am a survivor of stage 2 breast cancer and I have so many people to thank for their support, prayers and for hanging in there when I had a bad day. At age 45 in May 2007 I found a lump while going through a knee replacement rehab, I felt something on my left breast. I called my doctor and was seen a couple weeks later. The core biopsy pathology came back as "atypical ductal hyplasia" and I was encouraged to follow up with a surgeon. I went into surgery to have a biopsy and it turned into a lumpectomy in July 2007, I was diagnosed at that time with stage II aggressive invasive cancer with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS). I had sentinel node surgery in August 2007 and had not spread to my lymph nodes! I started chemo in September 2007 and had 8 sessions that was the most difficult thing I have ever been through. My parents were there for me at each session and stayed with me to be sure I was able to rest so I could work. I started 6 weeks of Radiation in January 2008 and that went pretty well. I suffered sunburn type side effects.
I am getting stronger now and more active and feel great. I have a positive attitude and that has made a difference. I have so many people in my life that prayed for me and their prayers have been answered. I will continue to see my doctors on a regular basis for follow-ups for the rest of my life. If you suspect something is wrong, see your doctor! Get a mammogram and follow up. It is best to know what is happening, it may or may not be cancer and I pray it is not.

Kathy W.
Belchertown, MA