In early January 14 after a rigorous upper body workout at the gym my arms and chest were very sore, As I was rubbing them, I felt hard spot, at the top of my bra line on my right breast. I was scheduled the next week for my annual mammogram, so waited on it. The tech went over my paperwork and we discussed the spot, she did the mammogram which was NORMAL, she then ask if she could feel the spot. She then sent me for an ultra sound. The radiologist came did the ultrasound and felt the lump, then they told me it was a fybroid cyst, and to have it rechecked it 6 months. The next week I went to my Gyn. After checking me he too said its nothing. I had this feeling, I said please recommend a surgeon for a biopsy.
Surgeon says its nothing but scheduled the biopsy to put my mind at ease. After the biopsy, he came out and told my husband the Initial test show just a hard fatty cyst, but we are sending it to path anyway. After 2 days,the phone call came. I was told I had DCIS and would need a lumpectomy, and then radiation. Went in for lumpectomy on February 18, where they found a 6mm and a 2mm tumor that was IDC, did a partial mastectomy and removed 5 lymph nodes (all negative). I was then told it was triple negative and I would need Chemo and Radiation. By March 20, I had my first chemo. I ended up having 4 cycles of adriamycin/cytoxan and then only had 1 cycle of taxol. My body couldn't take anymore, after fluids twice, 2 units of blood and the loss of 15 lbs, the doctors and I decided enough it was doing me more harm than good. After a 6 week break I then had 34 radiation treatments.
The picture was taken after completing radiation.If you think something is not right, push until you find out for sure. If I had waited my prognosis would not be so good.

Rachel D Lindsey