My long year

In Nov.2006 I thought I felt a lump, but of course I had the "It can't happen to me syndrome " plus with the holidays coming I put off going to the Dr.(Don't do that). So In Jan 2007 I went to my OB & He checked it out , sent me for a mammogram the next day. They did a biopsy the following day, within a week I was in with a surgeon & Oncologist.
We went with chemo first to shrink the tumor which was about the size of a grapefruit only flatter. By June it had shrunk about 3/4 its size. I had a lumpectomy & the next week I had reduction & reconstruction, then in Aug-Oct I had radiation.
I worked most days, through it all, & took 3 weeks for the surgery.
I had amazing support from my God,my church,my husband & my family & friends..Thank you all.
The hardest part was having My husband shave my head before it all fell out,although I did wear a wig .
If you feel something...Don't delay.


Vickie Keffer
Concord, NC