My story till now

My name is Tanya and this is my story. in January of 2014 I was doing a self exam like I always do in the shower, found a knot that wasn't supposed to be there. called the Dr. was told I couldn't get in till march. On march 24th the Dr. told me that yes I did have a lump, so she set me up for a mammogram. On April 2nd I went in for the mammo and an ultrasound, they found the lump and immediately set me up for a biopsy. April 8th had the biopsy. On April 22nd got the dreaded call from the Dr. that yes it is Cancer. May 9th had surgery Dr. thought he got it all turns out he didn't get all the margins, so had another surgery on June 10th. On July 1st got real sick went to hospital and turns out I had an infection in my breast. The Drs. put a drain in and put me on antibiotics that it turns out I'm allergic to.
By the grace of God I found the lump, the Drs. told me it and the other one they found the day of the first surgery were only about 5mm so I shouldn't have been able to feel them. I am now 5 months cancer free, I have chosen not to have the radiation or the pill, because I have a 10 year old daughter who has epilepsy, and she needs her mama. The bad side effects outweigh the benefits. My wonderful husband who is also disabled has been my rock through this whole thing. I thank God every day for bringing him into my life 23 years ago.
So for all you survivors and all who are still going through this horrible ordeal, just remember you can do this.

Tanya Turk
Golden Valley, AZ