My story

I am 31 years old. Back in September 2014 I had noticed that my right breast started to look noticeably different than my left. I felt around and discovered something hard near my nipple. I really didn't know what I was supposed to be feeling for, so I had my husband feel it as well. He encouraged me to get it checked right away. I was going to postpone until my next cervical exam, but something in the back of my mind kept insisting to listen to my husband. I finally made the appointment and went to the radiology department on October 20, 2014. After 3 hours of ultrasound, mammograms, and biopsy, it was confirmed to be cancer. The official diagnosis after 2 surgeries is stage IIb invasive carcinoma with mixed ductal and lobular features. It spread to 2 lymph nodes plus some surrounding tissues, thus requiring the 2nd surgery lymph node dissection. I will start chemo in about 4 weeks, to be followed by radiation. I believe that the mind is more powerful than the body, and I have drawn my strength from the power of positive thinking, and from all the love and support from my friends, family, and co-workers. I fight for my husband and three children, ages 11, 3 and 2. I fight for and give hope to all the women out there that are in the same boat as I am in. And ladies, please do your self-checks regularly and pass this powerful knowledge on to your daughters as well.

Tracy Garcia
Sacramento, CA