Now What?

I always had dense breasts -- good for me as wearing a bra was often optional! I had been called in for follow-up mammograms multiple times and was always thankful they were clear except for that fateful summer of 2009.

Oh the biopsy on the hydralic lift was a challenge -- I was suffering from the aftermath of a frozen shoulder. OMG each bit of the biopsy contained cancerous tissue. After an MRI that "lit up like a Christmas tree", I was scheduled for surgery. Since I was post child bearing years and a wimp, I decided to have a double mastectomy. I didn't want to deal with another cancer diagnosis and symmetry seemed important. After surgery it was determined that I had the unfriendly HER2+ type of cancer, so although margins were clear as was my sentinal node, I still had a four month course of chemo therapy and monoclonal antibody infusions for a year.

After treatment was completed, I suffered an adult migrane, mistaking it for a stroke. In speaking with the doctor, I told him that I was relieved that insult was not added to injury (a stroke on top of cancer). He said, "Cancer? Have you read "The China Study" by Colin Campbell? I had not read it, but did so in short order.

Ladies you CAN do something about reducing your risk of cancer recurrence or the development of other cancers. Eat plants! Broccoli, cauliflower, beans, cherries and other delights keep us in working order. One website I love is Be brave. Be proactive. Your health and your family's health are the pay off.

Be well ladies and gents. Know that I love you all and wish you the very best in 2015!

Ashland, OR