one year survivor

"In october 2013 i found a lump in my left breast, after a mammogram/ultrasound and finally a biopsy on November 11 2013 i got the news i did not wanted to hear from my oncologist i was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma stage 3 breast cancer.

At that time all i thought was will i survive my dr explain to me all side effects from treatment but i stll had my doubts. More test were done i started chemo the following week. My first day of chemo yes i was nervous but the nurses were so nice to me that i forgot about how nervous i was.

During my chemo treatments i just put my headphones closed my eyes and listen to my favorite songs on youtube i remember listening to kelly clarkson song "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

I met new friends during my treatments we told our stories gave each other strenght. One of them lost her battle with breast cancer that was a very sad day but she is our angel now.

After nine chemo treatments had a double mastectomy surgery and the removal of lymph nodes. two weeks after i got the good news that i'm cancer free. On december 5. 2014 will finish 33 rounds of radiation and im very happy.

Thanks to my family and friends for their support and prayers. I been blessed with wonderful drs and nurses..god always gave me the strenght in my time of weakness.
I love my new life everyday is a blessing

yucaipa, CA