Self Breast Exam Saved My Life

My story begins on my daughter's 25th birthday. I was doing my self-breast exam and found a "pea size lump"...since my mother also had
breast cancer, my first reaction was "it can't be anything, I just had my
yearly MAMMO in Nov. 2007 and everything was fine. I had an ultrasound,
needle biospy which confirmed that I had Stage 2 Lobular Carcinoma. I went for a Lumpectomy and the margins came back "not clean", so I opted for a double mastectomy in May 2008 with reconstructive surgery the same day (Expanders were placed in my "breast cavities" to give me a "little feeling of normal". I went thru 3 months of CHEMO, lost my hair, nausea, metal mouth, the works and all thru this I just keep saying "I WILL SURVIVE".and I have survived thanks to my wonderful surgeons and oncologist along with my family & many many friends. In Dec. 2009 I had my final (and hopefully my LAST) reconstructive surgery.
I am here to tell everyone PLEASE PLEASE do your monthly self-breast exams....if I didn't, I don't know if I would have been here today to tell my

Paulette Pettorossi
Beacon, NY