Surviving Breast Cancer

Hi, my name is Candia Lord I am a 18 yr. Breast Cancer survivor. When I first was diagnosed with this horrible disease, I was so scared. I thought that my life was going to be over. I thought what would happen to my son if I wasn't around anymore. But I was wrong the surgeons caught my cancer early & got it all out. It was in my right breast, where the small tumor was. After the surgery I went through 6 months of chemo, which made me so sick, & it drained me. My hair fell out but I didn't lose it all. I used to call the chemo poison because I felt so sick from it. When I was done with the chemo I had to do 6 weeks of radiation...every day except weekends. The radiation shrunk my breast but I felt, well I have my life .I even worked a part time job at a Pawn shop while I was going through both treatments. I give myself credit for being strong while I battled this breast cancer. Today I am happy that I survived!!...For anyone going through this horrible disease just hang in there, look on the bright side of things & may you have a positive outlook on your situation. If you feel like crying then let it out, I cried many days. Thank you Jesus for bringing me through all of this!!..I am Catholic so I believe in miracles!

Candia Lord
Hamden, CT