There are Blessings in Cancer!

Yes, there are blessings in breast cancer! In order to become aware of those blessings, we need to have positive attitudes, which includes laughter and minimal pity parties. We need to open ourselves up to the miracles that God can work in our lives.
I was diagnosed with stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma in Feb. 2010. I was HER2NU +, which meant the additional treatment of one year of Herceptin.
When walking through the radiation dept. at my treating facility in the fall of 2010, one woman walked by me as she was telling her friend that now she could wear cute caps like mine--I was wearing my hot yellow sparkle cap. Two weeks earlier, I had asked God to open the door for me and use my journey to help other women in cancer treatment. Right then the light turned on as I wished that I had a sparkle cap to give this woman. The idea quickly evolved to much more than a sparkle cap.
In Oct. 2010, I was blessed to start The Sparkle Caps Project. I am continually blessed as I receive referrals for Sparkle Caps gift bags for women in treatment for cancer. The goal is to empower, support and encourage these women at an extremely difficult time in their lives. This is God's project, and I know that these women are being blessed as He draws them closer to Him.
Don't waste your cancer. Find ways to use it to help others. Bring good out of bad. We are women. We are strong. We are Sisters in Pink, and we ARE SURVIVORS! Each day is a gift from God!

Susan "Victorious" Heimbigner
Sumter, SC