Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivor

45 when diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. After a self exam, I went to the local ER to ask for an XRAY/CT scan. The radiologist confirmed a mass and made an appointment with a surgeon. Not knowing any better I had a pre op appt after my consult with both surgeon and plastic surgeon. Thank God that the nurses in this Community loved educating and assisted me in making a life altering course and had me in an Oncologist office w/i two hours. He was on the phone canceling the next days surgery! With breast cancer, with especially Triple Negative Breast Cancer, it comes at you with a vengeance. My Oncologist needed to keep my breasts intact to see the progress of my chemotherapy with my mass. Make a consult with Oncologist 1st! Take control of your life & spend a day to mourn the words " you have cancer". Make veggie shakes each day with minimal fruit, its natural sugars is what cancer loves & adds weight. Exercise to your mind & body! Cancer cannot live in certain PH levels between 8-9. Health food stores have it. My double mastectomy is scheduled for my 46 BD. Take Zyrtec twice a day, one hour before chemo & at bedtime. Put a mento in your mouth before they flush your port & prior to your chemo. Drink 1.5 liters of this PH level water a day. I felt so little of anything, I thank my Oncologist, all staff at his office and the hospital team that saw me through it. I was fortunate to have a great Church= great group of people who came to every Dr appt when my spouse worked to maintain our family benefits. To his Company thank you for being there for us. To God, this fight was yours from the start. I thank you for this being placed on my plate. On 2/22/14 my spouse and I will marry for a second time. The first time before God in Church with family and friends. I will cherish my being cancer free!

Milka Taylor
Huntsville, AL