Triple Negative

I was 31 when I found my lump. I say lump but it was a mass and so big that I knew what it was right away. Breast cancer runs in my family and I knew that I would get it but I had hoped it would be later in life. At least past the point that I wouldn't have to change diapers. I went to the doc and she set up a mammogram for the next week. I remember telling my doc that I would be ok as long as it wasn't Triple Negative or Inflammatory. When we got the biopsy back he called to tell me he was sorry but it was triple negative. I soon started chemo and went every week for 3 months and every 2 for A/C. My mass went from 6cm to 1.5. I had a double mastectomy and 25 rounds of radiation. I haven't had reconstruction but can't wait to get something back and feel somewhat normal again. I hope that I can be one of those women who beat this aggressive cancer. I want to be able to give someone else hope. Check your boobs!

Big Lake, TX