Twice Sisters (from laurasjourneyofhope blog)

My sister and I are ‘twice sisters’ meaning we are blood sisters (born sisters) and pink sisters.
Both of us have been personally affected by breast cancer which makes us pink sisters. In
September/October of 2014, my sister called me to tell me that her mammogram was flagged and
the radiologist really wanted to do a biopsy because she saw a cluster of cells.

Cheryll had a real peace about the whole process. It seemed like a lifetime had passed from the
first call about the biopsy to the results call. In the meantime, I prayed and prayed and prayed!!

She had just started a new job and I prayed to God that she would be okay and not have to join
the Breast Cancer Survivor group. I have traveled that road. I was diagnosed the day after
Christmas in 2008 with Stage 3a, Grade 3, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I prayed that she would
not have to go down that road and that she would never have to endure chemotherapy and
radiation. I prayed for a clear report.

When she received the biopsy report, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was devastated. I
thought I took the bullet for the family. I cried. I cried for her. Then I prayed…okay God, if she
has to have this diagnosis, I pray they caught it early.

Thankfully, they caught it early at Stage 0. She would need a lumpectomy and radiation. The
doctor was amazed and told her that it was unbelievable that it was only Stage 0. Regardless of
what stage the breast cancer is a 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, a diagnosis brings so much more with it. Not only
does it take a toll on you physically but it takes a toll on you emotionally and psychologically.

I am glad to report that Cheryll is cancer free. I have invited her to guest blog. I hope she is able
to share her story soon. I am blessed to have her as my sister and now we are twice sisters.
Be Blessed.

Laura Starner
Lakeland, FL