Two Times Around

I had beast cancer in my left breast in 1998. After a lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation, I appeared to be fine. I was never sick (I got very tired) and missed very few days of work. Then, in 2007, during a routine mammogram, another lump was discovered, this time on the right side. A needle biopsy confirmed my worst fears -- breast cancer again. This time the tumor was much more aggressive and several lymph nodes were involved. Since I knew I couldn't ever go through this three times, I opted for a bilateral mastectomy, chemo, and radiation, but no reconstruction. Unfortunately, I was allergic to the chemo and was quite sick for most of the year. However, it is now 2009 and I am in remission and feeling great. I have regained weight from 105 to 130, gone back to teaching Sunday School and singing in my church choir, and pretty much living on my own. My choir began wearing pink ribbons in October 2007 and are still wearing them! I had three guardian angels who, with God's help, kept me alive during the worst times -- two dear, dear friends and a wonderful sister-in-law. With God's continued help, I'll survive this time also. I still have a lot of living to do! My message to newly diagnosed women? Keep the faith and never, never give up.

Patricia Motley
Keysville, VA