Yearly Mammograms Essential

Hello, I am a ten year breast cancer survivor only because I got my yearly mammogram. My lump was not palpable (could not be felt) Thank God I went for my yearly mammograms. I have a history of breast cysts, having had two removed from my right breast, these were palpable. After a very tiny suspicious spot showed on a mammogram (left breast) the doctor said we will check it again in a year and see if it has grown, it had so I went in for a lumpectomy which proved to be cancer. Two days later I had a wide excision done, ( a larger portion of breast and lymph nodes removed), fortunately the lump was only the size of a quarter and the cancer cells were contained within that area. I was told radiation was a given but chemo was an option I could also have. After hearing the statistics of possible reoccurance with and without chemo I opted for the chemo, I had ten grandchildren I wanted to see grow up. I praise God everyday that I made that decision for I am alive to see my grandchildren, now thirteen of them, grow and mature. I have three daughters, two of them get their mammo's yearly, the third one is a very stubborn woman and will not go, I Pray that she never gets breast cancer or the other ones or any of my ten grandaughters. I pray that they will find a cure for breast cancer so that no one ever has to suffer like so many of us has.

My faith in God has helped me through some very tough times, this being one of them. Keep your faith, pray and above all get your yearly MAMMOGRAM.

Happy & Healthy
Avoca, Penna.


Dorothy Welter
Avoca, PA