Cancer at 28

I had no symptoms other than pain in my breast. While trying to figure out what was causing it I felt a lump and it wasn't in my other breast. I wasn't old enough for a mammogram. I was scared. The next couple of days went fast with tests and seeing a breast surgeon who told me that it was most likely cancer. Cancer? At 28? This couldn't be right. Well it was. And my life since April started has been a whirl wind. I went through fertility treatments (since I don't have any children) then a bilateral mastectomy with lymph node removal on my left side with immediate reconstruction. I had a few mental breakdowns from everything. Between the surgery and the chemotherapy my guy proposed to me on the beach. He shaved his head with me when my hair started to fall out. That is the day this picture was taken. I cried before it. He has been amazing through all of this. I have had family and friends there for me even when I didn't want them there. I had sisters from my sorority that I haven't talked to in a while sending me cards and care packages. It was amazing to see the support from everyone. I am still in the middle of chemotherapy and have radiation to follow. I cannot wait until the day when I can hold up a sign saying I am cancer free. I am a fighter and I am going to be a survivor.

Lisa Cupps
Levittown, PA