Fight like a Mother

I was a 33 year old single mom with a 5 and 8 year old. I was in the midst of rebuilding my life so I could truly enjoy life with my children. Busier than ever, I finally found myself on my obgyn’s exam table where I heard the words “You have a lump right here" and that’s when I knew my own battle with cancer was here whether I was ready or not.

I was diagnosed on December 8, 2014 with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. I realized how much I did not know about cancer. I learned that TNBC accounts for 10-15% of all types of Breast Cancer. My doctors suspected that I had a gene mutation due to my extensive family history with cancer and had me tested. I moved forward with a bilateral mastectomy. A few weeks later, my gene testing results confirmed I have the BRCA 1 gene mutation which means I have been at an significantly increased risk of Breast and Ovarian cancer… it also means my children may have inherited it.

I’ve endured 5 surgeries, my lung collapsed twice, 3 blood transfusions, a blood clot, 16 rounds of chemotherapy and 28 days of radiation. I’ve lost body hair, toenails, and skin, had mouth sores, neuropathy, chemopause and more. Next, I’ll have a prophylactic hysterectomy but as long as I’m alive, it’s all worth it.

It would have been impossible to come this far without love and support from my family and friends. I’ve been blessed with prayers, meals, clean laundry, rides to appointments, childcare and more. Words of encouragement continue to flood in from near and far.

I share all of this to remind you that fighting cancer isn’t pretty, it isn’t easy, and it cannot be done alone. We need a cure. We need to spread awareness & educate. We need to fundraise for research and to provide services to those battling. Let’s honor and remember those who have bravely fought for their lives and let’s fight for a cure for those who are in the fight of their life.

Diana Price
Hollister, CA