I am a survivor

In 2002 after being diagnosed with a small breast cancer I opted for mastectomy and reconstruction because of family history. I was 54 at the time. After 4 years a new cancer was found unrelated to the first. This time it was bad. I had another mastectomy, chemo radiaion and reconstruction. I lost all of my long blond hair. But my friends reminded me that hair does not define who you are. It is what is in your heart. I am stage 4 chronic disease but I am currently in remission. NEVER give up hope always keep a postive attitude and live life to its fullest. I now volunteer at Gilda's Club and give support to others who are on the same journey. I may have cancer BUT it does not have me. Remember to have your mammograms. When in doubt ask questions. YOU are your best advocate.

Marci Iglow
Palm Desert, CA