Why our mamograms are SOoooooo important.......

I hadn't gotten a mamogram in about 4 years when I decided it might be smart to get one. This was in 2002 in the fall. Well my test was for December. I got a call at work a few days later that they had found a mass in my left breast and it looked like it probably was cancer. In Jan. of 2003 I had a biopsy done and at the same time they removed the mass. Sure enough it was malignant. It was a soft mass that I did not feel with my self exams and the only way it would have been found is for the mamogram. The doctor had to put a wire through it before the operation just so they could find it when they went in. Thankfully it did not spread into my lymph nodes. I will never miss another mamogram. I now make sure I get them done annually. About the same time that I was going through this, the company I was working for folded up so I was left without insurance also. The Cancer Society helped me to get the right connections so I could get the help I needed.

Carol J Hess
Wilkes Barre, PA